It's funny how the world works...on January 9
th I finish my 3rd half marathon, the 10
th was my birthday and I was spending it in
WDW and on the 11
th we had to make the decision to put our dog, Harley to sleep. Hardest part about making the decision was that we weren't even home but still in
WDW. You see, we were to fly home on the 11
th but I had become sick the day before and didn't feel fit for flying. So in the process of me being sick and trying to get a room for another night, Erin was talking to my mom, the vet and Craig, the guy that cares for the dogs while we are away. Craig and Erin had talked for 2 days prior about how she wasn't eating or going to the bathroom. He had to hand feed her to get her to eat. So by Monday she was really bad and felt that she should go to the vet. Long story short, mom and Craig had to take her to the vet and "do the deed".
This is the second time mom has "killed" one of my dogs.....inside joke. It is funny though because
Cassidy doesn't know that
grammy was at the vet with Harley. So anytime mom gets out of line I threaten to tell
Cassidy that
grammy killed her dog. That usually works.
She drove us crazy with her grunting sounds; her "talking" in the car and her snoring at night. But I miss all that now. I miss her curling up in my legs when I was on the couch and how she kept my feet warm at night. I miss how she would get excited when I got home from work. Heck, she would get excited when I would just go out and get the mail. But most of all I miss the Harley Sue kisses.
Enjoy the little show I put together for her.
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