It's hard to believe that 20 years ago Erin and I graduated high school. It doesn't seem like a lot has happened over those 20 years but I guess a lot has. We got married, bought a house or two, had pets come and go, had loved ones leave our lives, and the biggest thing is we had Cassidy.
A few weeks ago we had our 20 year reunion. Now, I will admit that we were both hesitant on wanting to go. Even after 20 years there are still some people you're not sure you really want to spend an evening with. Long story short, we went to the Friday night mixer where there was about 20 classmates. That ended up being a lot of fun. One of the guys I was friends with in high school but lost touch with flew in from California. And guess what, he's only 10 minutes from Disneyland so looks like a trip to his house is in my future.
We missed out on the dinner on Saturday but met up with everyone later that evening. It was great seeing people after all that time. All the high school drama was gone and all the "clics" were gone. People that didn't talk at all in school were suddenly getting their groove on together. It was a great sight to see. It's like the Berlin Wall came down. And let me tell you, we still know how to party. We closed down the bar at 2 am. And when it all came to an end and pictures were being taken, tears started to roll. For some reason, I suddenly realized how much I missed all my high school friends. I can't wait for our 25th reunion.